Thursday, January 17, 2013

LoL Meta

League of Legends ( LoL ) meta is an idiom created by Summoners,meta is how and which champions are placed in a lane or role based maps and other factors.
Pre-season 1/Beta LoL didn't have any particular meta, everyone played whatever champion the wanted in whatever lane the wanted.

Season 1 came up and ranked teams always tried to find the best way to win, that's where meta was created.Season 1 meta was all about tanks and bruisers, who they could hold up till late game and in the end with all the tankyness win it.Later metas in the period of season 1 consisted of one ap carry top,one ad carry mid,a jungler and 2 tanks/bruisers bot
(Example from official LoL livestream on season 1 :

Season 2 come up with many changes,buffs,nerfs and new champions.The tank meta used in Season 1 got balanced and the League of Tanks died.Pro teams strived to find the new best meta that everyone would use.After the many changes Riot made,the new meta was eventually created.The new meta consisted of 1 off-tank top/ 1 ap carry mid / ad carry + 0 cs support bot / tanky/bruiser jungle.The pro's started using the new jungle and stopped playing it like mobs were hard to kill and took forever to respawn.With this meta you have a commplete team that combines everything together from the early damage of ap carries and ganks of junglers to the late game damage of the adcarry, tankyness of the jungler and off-tank and cc from the support.Bans were also added in ranked games and the most banned champions in the championship were:
  1. Alistar
  2. Shen
  3. Jayce
  4. Karthus
  5. Yorick
  6. Orianna
  7. Skarner
  8. Anivia
  9. Sona
  10. Diana
Season 3 patches are still comming out and all Summoners are waiting for the new meta after the changes.


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