Tuesday, January 29, 2013


What Is Tribunal?

The Tribunal is a system introduced in May 2011 by Riot Games to help discipline players and keep the community in check with the help of their peers.

When a summoner logs into the Tribunal, they are assigned a case to review. This case includes another summoner who has been reported from other summoners on game. The summoner reviewing the case is given chat logs, game statistics, and report details to help them decide if the offending summoner should be punished or pardoned. A summoner can also skip a case if they are unsure or uncomfortable choosing a verdict.

 A summoner can review up to 15 cases a day (this may vary from time to time). As a reward for their participation, summoners whose votes coincide with the majority votes on cases will receive weekly bonus Influence Points for their time and they will gradually get more cases per day. Rewards are given weekly, after the judgment period on the cases ends. On the contrary, if a player repeatedly votes against the majority, he will lose the access to the Tribunal. This system is used to encourage players to read thoroughly their assigned cases, instead of blindly punishing people. The average award for tribunal per case is currently at 5 influence points.

When a summoner's case receives a certain number of "punish" votes, (a number not divulged by Riot) they receive a punishment intending to deter this behavior from happening again. Possible punishments include a warning, suspension, name change, or in severe cases, permanent banning. Every action taken against the player is automated, with very few exceptions depending on the severity of the case. Under special circumstances, Riot Games can even veto the verdict of the Tribunal, but appeals are not possible as customer service responds to requests for information with premade messages.

YOU CAN CHECK IT HERE:http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/tribunal/


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