Sunday, February 3, 2013

New League System in Ranked Queue

In Season 3 we’re making some exciting renovations to ranked play. At the heart of the update is a new league system that provides more challenges for competitive players and a greater sense of progression for newcomers. You’ll find an overview of how they work in the infographic below. You can also join us for the reddit AMA on Wednesday, 1/16 at 12:01 PM PST and ask your question live.

Winning ranked games earns you League Points that help you move up the rankings in your league. As you acquire more points you’ll have the opportunity to fight your way into the next division, or even into a new league at the next tier of competition. Each triumph brings on new challenges and tougher opponents, as well as rewards at the end of the season. Top 5v5 ranked teams that reach the Challenger tier even have the opportunity to go pro in Season 3.

We’re looking forward to beginning a new era in competitive League of Legends and seeing who will rise to the Challenger tier. If you still have questions about leagues check out the following FAQ or leave us a comment on the forums.


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